Freshpaint - Status Page

Embedded Video experiencing degraded performance

Elevated error rates for YouTube videos
  • Monitoring

    We are continuing to monitor things on our end. The issue is temporarily mitigated, and the team is working on a longer-term fix. We have also communicated with affected customers directly.

  • Monitoring

    YouTube videos are starting to load again for customers using Freshpaint's video proxy service. We are continuing to monitor the situation.

  • Investigating

    YouTube videos served through Freshpaint continues to be down. We're investigating our options and we expect to have an update in the next several hours.

  • Identified

    We have deployed a fix for the errors serving videos hosted on Vimeo and Wistia. YouTube videos continue to experience an elevated failure rate.

  • Identified

    An elevated rate of failures from the YouTube service has caused a cascading chain impacting all videos served by the Freshpaint Video Proxy, including those served by Vimeo and Wistia. A fix is in progress for Vimeo and Wistia, but no fix has been identified for the YouTube issues.

  • Investigating

    We are aware of elevated error rates in the Freshpaint Video Proxy Shield for YouTube videos and are currently investigating.

Data Collection - Operational

100% - uptime

Destinations - Operational

99% - uptime

Embedded Video - Degraded performance

99% - uptime

Freshpaint UI - Operational

100% - uptime

Maps - Operational

100% - uptime

Warehouses - Operational

100% - uptime

Web Tracker Monitoring - Operational

100% - uptime

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